Thursday, October 31, 2019

Assignment 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Assignment 4 - Essay Example So pick a card, any card. Wouldnt you think that your odds of finding a number starting with 1 would be the same as finding a number starting with 9? Or 3? Or 7? (See Figure 1) After all, you gathered as many different numbers from as many different locations as possible, so they should all be evenly distributed, right? Wrong!!! Here comes Benfords Law, bitch! Benfords law says that the odds of obtaining 1 as the first digit of a number are much higher than obtaining any other digit. (See Figure 2) And nobody can really explain why! Creeeepy. But the coolest thing is that the broader the sampling of numbers, the more accurately they conform to Benfords law. For example, if you only examined the numbers in a New York City phone book, it wouldnt fit with Benfords law because your data would favor 2s and 7s (because of the popular area codes 212 and 718). But mix a phone books numbers with an almanacs numbers with an encyclopedias numbers and without a doubt youll start seeing a "Benfordian" distribution. Didnt I tell you this shitd freak you out? But the most important part of Benfords law (and partially why its so fascinating) is that it only works with numbers observed and gathered from the real world. So if you were to randomly generate a list of numbers with a computer, or by simply making them up, their first digits would most likely be evenly distributed from 1-9 and NOT in accordance with Benfords law. (See Figure 1 again). For this reason, Benfords law is used by the IRS to spot defrauders who make up phony numbers, because if the numbers dont follow Benfords law, they werent from real transactions. Fascinated by all this, I decided to test it for myself. Rather than spend years gathering numbers from all over the world, I decided to turn to Google - arguably the broadest source of data in existence. Seeing how many results Google finds for a number is a surefire way to judge how many times

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethnicity in Sociology Essay Example for Free

Ethnicity in Sociology Essay -Much greater levels of police stop and search on young black African-Caribbean males, than whites. -After attack on World Trade Center in 2001 and London Underground bombings in 2005, a new discourse has emerged regarding Muslim Youths. -The new image of them is of being dangerous- a threat to British culture. Offending -There are 3 ways on gathering statistics on ethnicity and crime: official stats, victimization studies and self-report studies. -According to Home Office statistics, about 9. 5% of people arrested were recorded as ‘Black’ and 5. 3% ‘Asian’ (similar rating to white). This means that, relative to the population as a whole, black people are 3x more likely than whites to be arrested. -However, these stats could be seen as a comment on the actions of the police. – some sociologists argue there is institutional racism in police. -Offenders are most likely to be young males aged between 14 and 25. Any ethnic group with a high proportion of this age group within it will have relatively high arrest rates. The British black pop has high rates, and so it would be expected that they’d have high arrest rates too because of this. -Stats show that Black Youth are more likely to be unemployed or in low paid jobs. Victimizing studies -Victim-based studies (British Crime Survey) are gathered by asking victims of crime for their recollection of the ethnic identity of the offender. -According to the British Crime Survey, the majority of crime is intraracial, with 88% of white victims stating that white criminals were involved, 3% claiming offenders were black, 1%Asian, 5% mixed. -About 42% of crimes against Black victims were identified as black offenders and 19% of crime against Asian were Asians. -The figure of white crimes AGAINST ethnic minorities are much higher – 50% (though 90% of pop is white). -However only 20% of survey-recorded crimes are ‘peronal’ such as theft, where the victim may actually be able to identify the offender. Bowling and Phillips argue that victims are influenced by racial stereotypes and ‘culturally determined expectations’ as to who commits crime. Their research shows that where the offender is not known, White people are more likely to describe those of African-Caribbean background. Self-Report Studies- asked in anonymous questionnaires to see what offences people commit -Graham and Bowlings study for the Home Office of 14 to 25 year olds, found that the self-reported offending rates were more or less the same for the White, Black and Asian respondants. However, Blacks are 3. 6 x more likely to be arrested (Jones and Singer). Sentencing -After arrest, Affro-Carbs are slightly more likely to be held in custody and to be charged with more serious offences than Whites. But they are more likely to plead, and be found ‘not guilty’ -Bowling and Phillips state that these stats indicate that that both direct and indirect discrimination (types of charges laid, accsess to bail etc) against members of ethnic minorities do exist. -For example, Those of African-Caribbean backgrounds have a 17% higher chance of imprisonment than whites. Punishment -According to Jones and Singer the proportion of Black British background took 19% of total prison population. Racist Policing -Most sociologists ie Mayhew et al a rgue that most crime is committed by young males who come from a poor background. -The ‘canteen culture’ approach argues that police officers have developed distinctive working values as a result of their job. The core characteristics of this culture according to Reiner include a thirst for action, cynicism, macho values and racism becasude they often feel pressure/work long hours/face public scrutiny etc. -Studies by Smith and Gray (who himself was a policeman) showed racist views by the police force and they targeted blacks. Institutional Racism -After the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence, the Macpherson Report was set up to look at the circumstances of his death and handling of the situation by the police. Sir William Macpherson said ‘police had procedures, practices and a culture that tended to exclude or disadvantage non-white people’. Left-realist approach -Lea and Young accept that there are racist practices by the police but argue that despite this, the statistics do bear out a higher crime rate for street robberies and associated ‘personal crimes’ by youths of Affro-carb backgrounds. -They explain this by suggesting British society is racist and that young ethnic minorities are economically and socially marginalized (pushed out of society), with lesser chances of success than majority of population. Cultures of Resistance -Because minority groups have been discriminated against (colonialism etc) leaving them in a lower socioeconomic position compared to whites, a culture of resistance formed. -COF = organized resistance that has its origins from anticolonial struggles. Ie when young offenders commit crime they are doing it as a political art rather than a criminal act. -However Lea et al argues that this doesn’t account for the high proportion of Black on Black crime. -Fitzgerald et al = street crime is caused by deprivation, lack of community -Higher crime in lone-parent fams -Justifications among crime such as l=bad education, alienation from schools etc.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Assisting In Endotracheal Intubation Nursing Essay

Assisting In Endotracheal Intubation Nursing Essay An ETT is an advanced measure of airway management, where a catheter is inserted in the trachea generally through the mouth. This creates a direct passage between mechanical ventilator, which simulates breathing, and the lungs, where gaseous exchange occurs. ETT is most commonly used in unconscious or sedated patients, where the patient may lose spontaneous breathing, also bringing about benefits like protection from aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs, which lead to infection and complications. Considerable amount of attention is given to the intubation procedure, avoiding trauma and infection. Preparing a patient for intubation requires the patient to be positioned in the sniff in the morning, that being body straight with head slightly tilted to the front to obtain a straight airway. An anaesthetist will perform this procedure and the nurse prepares the necessary: an intubation set including an Ambu with face mask and other connectors and a laryngoscope with different blade sizes and muscle relaxant (Atracurium) and sedation (Propofol) medication are prepared. Once everything is checked that is in perfect working order, the anaesthetist, positioned behind the patients head, starts by giving the first IV bolus of Propofol later followed by the Atracurium. From this point onwards sedation will be administered by the nurse, and the anaesthetist will keep the head in position to maintain an open airway and bag the patient for 1-minute using the soft Ambu attached to the mask with 100% oxygen at 10-15l/min to hyper-oxygenate. After this 1-minute the first try for intubation is began and this should be no longer than 30secoonds. A laryngoscope is then inserted from the right side pushing the tongue to the side and lower, this will create physical space to see the epiglottis and the laryngoscope will be advanced slightly more to see the larynx. Once identified, the ETT is carefully advanced from the right side over the laryngoscope and straight between the larynxes. Then the tube is advanced up to 21-24cm from its markings, laryngoscope withdrawn and the soft Ambu is now connected with a specific connector to attach to the ETT. The anaesthetist will now bag and auscultate over the chest to check position of ETT, and to check that air is going into both sides of lung, or only a single side or worse the stomach. During the process the nurse may be requested to give more boluses of sedation, depending on what the anaesthetist encounters. Once the position is confirmed, the ETT is secured using a tie or a facial adhesive. The patient is then connected to the ventilator, where the anaesthetist gives the initial setting and liaises with the nurse on the aims and guidelines needed to safeguard the patients health and especially avoid unnecessary complications. Continuous sedation is as well started as now the patient is preferably left unconscious to stabilise, as a patient may extubated once semi-conscious and agitated. Parameters post-intubation are checked and charted, blood gases are taken and analysed. Shortly after insertion a chest X-ray is performed to verify positioning thanks to the radio-opaque strip incorporated in the ETT. Indications for intubation may vary from hypoxemia, loss of consciousness, airway obstruction or manipulation of the airway. In one of the cases I had the opportunity to observe clearly, the patient was suffering from pneumonia and was losing consciousness as she could not maintain a decent pO2 via a non-rebreather mask and started to get agitated and therefore continue lowering her oxygen saturation level. I took a blood gases sample and it resulted in a low enough result that the nurse decided to advise the anaesthetist to try intubation, apart from the fact that she was definitely in need to be sedated to reduce her agitation. In a pneumonia case a sedated patient may benefit more from care and obtain a healthier outcome as consciousness is then resumed when infection has started to clear. Intubation as like all the other invasive procedures carries numerous risks for the patient. To start with is the high risk of infection, which may come from lack of attention to asepsis during the procedure, and there can even be trauma to the lungs if the anaesthetist goes in too far with the ETT, or can even cause trauma to the buccal cavity, where with the use of the laryngoscope, leverage over the teeth may be exerted leading to the breaking of teeth. Moreover, if the patient takes too long to be intubated hypoxia may result, since the patient is not breathing at all. Single-sided or stomach intubation may occur as well. In the intubation procedure, precautions to prevent complications include patient sedation and muscle relaxation at the start of the procedure to avoid movements of any muscles. The patient is positioned to help the anaesthetist have an improved visualization of the larynx while using the laryngoscope. A measurement of the length of the airway is taken, to avoid inserting the ETT too much further down into the lungs. A patient is bagged for 1-minute prior to trial of intubation and no try takes longer than 30seconds, and ultimately a chest X-ray is performed to confirm ETT position. Blood sampling through an arterial catheter An arterial catheter is one of the most common lines required in ITU, indispensable for continuous intra-arterial blood pressure which is essential in a critically ill patient supported by vasoactive drugs. Moreover it aids in arterial blood sampling, being routines or ABG of an intubated patient, where if a patient doesnt have an arterial line would be pricked countless times during a single day, therefore is a benefit for the patient as well. Taking a blood sample through an arterial line requires following step by step instructions, while always keeping in mind asepsis, as although it is not actual invasive procedure, we are dealing with arterial blood and colonising a cannula imposes great risks of infection. To start with, perform hand hygiene and prepare essentials within easy reach, including alcoholic 2%chlorohexidine wipes (clinell), a packet of sterile non-woven swabs, pair of non-sterile gloves, luer lock stopper, 5ml syringe, ABG syringe, appropriate vacutainers and luer lock adaptor. Once everything is prepared and patency of line is checked by using the flushing device, perform hand hygiene once again and wear gloves. Place the open packet of sterile swabs under the area you will be working around, i.e. the 3-way tap on the arterial line. Wipe the stopper locked port at the 3-way tap for 15seconds using a clinell wipe. Now the 3-way tap OFF position should be facing the port that has just been disinfected, remove the stopper and attach 5ml syringe using a non-touch technique, turn the 3-way tap to OFF from flushing device and aspirate the first 3-5ml which will contain mostly heparinised saline. Turn the tap back to OFF from the port being used. Now, remove the 5ml syringe and start from collecting blood sample for ABG, using the same non-touch technique attach the syringe to the port, turn the stopper OFF from the flushing device. Withdraw small sample of blood (up to half of ABG syringe, approximately 1ml), if you require more blood samples turn the tap OFF to port again and remove ABG syringe while attaching its stopper at its end, connect luer lock adaptor for vacutainer use. Now turn the tap OFF to flushing device and start pressing each vacutainer until it stops filling, always changing the vacutainers using non-touch technique. It is suggested to leave for last any blood test sample that its result is affected by the amount of heparin in the sample, eg. APTT/INR. Once finished from taking the necessary blood samples, turn tap OFF to patient and flush using flushing device onto the packet of swabs. Once clear from blood, close with luer lock stopper using non-touch technique. Now turn the tap OFF to port and flush the remaining part of the arterial line. Avoiding leaving blood traces in the lines will ensure longer lifetime and patency of the arterial line itself. Patients in a critical care setting most often need several blood sampling every day, one indication may be ABG monitoring due to the patient being supported by a mechanical ventilator. ABG sampling is also needed in the weaning off process, but can also be used to monitor any acidosis or alkalosis the patient may be suffering from, due to his admitting condition. Other blood samples are mostly taken routinely in the morning and more investigations may be required throughout the day. The withdrawal of blood via an arterial line is not an invasive procedure, though it is still a manipulation of a catheter leading to the bloodstream, therefore it exposes the patient to a high risk of acquiring a nosocomial infection through the line if asepsis is not maintained throughout the procedure. The colonisation of the line without adequate disinfection may eventually lead to life-threatening septicaemia. Prevention of infection was applied using universal precautions like hand hygiene, disinfection using alcoholic 2%chlorohexidine wipes (clinell) and non-touch technique. This minimised drastically the chances of nosocomial infections. Section B INTERPROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION IN THE CRITICAL CARE SETTING Describe the role of the nurse in each of the following units: Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU) Burns and Plastic Surgery Unit Renal Unit Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) An Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) nurse is required to work in a setting where patients are experiencing or at-risk of experiencing life-threatening conditions, thus require complex assessment, high-intensity therapies and interventions, continuous nursing care and high-tech monitoring. Critical care nurses trust upon a particular organization of knowledge, skills and experience to provide care to patients and families and create healing, humane and caring environments. Patient advocacy is a major role in ITU nursing, as usually the conditions of a patient may be poor to the extent that the patient is unconscious or else is induced into unconsciousness. Therefore the nurse has to act on behalf of and in the patients best interest as the patients advocate and ensuring that the patients family are well informed about the care that the patient is receiving. The necessary information needs to be given to help make highly personal decisions about the patients care, and that the patient and familys decisions are respected in the development of any treatment plan for the patient. Advanced and continuous assessment needs to be carried out to verify patients health status; physical assessment may include Glasgow Coma Scale, eye sensitivity test, cardiac auscultation, abdominal palpation and more. Leading then to high-tech monitoring from highly specialised bedside monitors, requires critical nurses to be trained in telemetry. Telemetry is a computerized monitoring system that transmits essential information about the condition of the patient (heart and lung activity), and the nurse using this information can make healthcare judgements. Therefore with the help of telemetry in conjunction with the extensive knowledge of pathophysiology of illnesses, nurses assess the need to perform any intensive interventions that the patient might need. For instance, take arterial blood gases of a patient if oxygen saturation are getting lower, or perform suctioning if certain breathing sounds are noticed. More assessment may be done after certain interventions and therefore prevention of degrading in the patients condition is another main responsibility of the ITU nurse. This requires the nurse to be able to interpret any result and respond with an appropriate intervention, these may include; titration with inotropic substances to maintain a pre-determined arterial pressure, increase oxygen supply through the mechanical ventilator or change the mode it is set to wean off from extra support. ITU nursing in certain large-scale hospitals may be split in specialized sectors, like for instance the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) in Mater Dei Hospital is a post-surgery intensive unit mostly dedicated to open heart surgery, leaving the ITU to take care of mostly post-laparotomy patients, serious trauma and other life-threating cases, including severe infections. Neonatal and Paediatrics Intensive Care Unit (NPICU) Nurses working in Neonatal and Paediatrics Intensive Care Unit (NPICU) require being extremely careful and vigilant, as this field requires working with neonates which may have some sort of complication from birth (or even before) to kids up to four years. As with all patients of this age group, symptoms and conditions change drastically, due to the frailty of the neonates, therefore continuous assessment is of extreme importance. As cases can differ from premature babies to post major operation neonates, the care is split into three: Intensive, High-Dependency, and Special Care. Caring for this type of population, care is adopted to support the patient medically and physically, assess and monitor but a great input in supporting psychologically the parents is a major requirement in these cases as they will be going through a really rough period, especially in the most serious cases like complications. Necessary time and information is given to the parents to understand what is going on with their child, involvement in the babys needs in special care. In intensive and high dependency cases, the patients will be connected to high tech bedside monitors; monitoring vital signs like arterial blood pressure, ECG traces, respirations, oxygen saturation and pulse. Most often patient with such frailty will be in a temperature controlled and humidified incubator to keep a stable environment, promoting recovery. The need of certain accesses may be essential as well, an umbilical line (usually arterial) is needed in cases of drug and fluid therapy, intubation may be needed in some of the cases as well. Inputs and outputs are strictly monitored throughout all levels of care provided in the unit, but as blood gases and other blood investigations may also be essential in certain intensive cases, keeping the blood volume withdrew as low as possible is of extreme importance as too much blood withdrawal in neonate may lead to serious complications. For special care there is more the usual care of a baby, therefore involving basic feeding, bathing and nappy changes, but need some extra care especially in calculation and handling due to the their small structures. Naso-gastric or oro-gastric tubes may be necessary in patients premature enough not to have a fully developed swallowing reflex or those too frail to suckle all the milk they need to maintain themselves. In this type of care, parents (especially the mother) are encouraged to handle and take care of the baby themselves as this has positive effects on both the mother and babys health. The nurse is responsible to liaise with the mother to set appointment regarding washing her baby or nappy changes which the mother may wish to do herself. Monitoring of daily weight, measurement of Occipitofrontal Circumference (OFC) and nappy weighting are some of the documentation taken by the nurse apart from the regular vital sign like temperature and heart rate. Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit Nurses working on the Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit (PSBU) may encounter the extremes of wounds through skin layers, since those present in burns cases could involve from only skin to muscles, nerves, blood vessels and even bones. On the other hand, plastic surgery is more related to the surgical grafts done post-recovery from a burns accident, or superficial level surgery like the removal of melanomas and other skin disorders. Burns nurses are responsible in fluid resuscitation given through wide-bore IV lines in severe cases of burns. In conjunction with fluid resuscitation, is a strict input and output charting to assess renal perfusion due to large volume loss from interstitial spaces due to loss of skin. Haemodynamic monitoring is another essential role, as the fluid loss from wounds may lead to hypotension, inotropic substances may be needed to support the heart muscle in extreme cases. Furthermore, the importance to keep sterility over wound and to aseptically cover using a special type of dressing containing paraffin oil, which does not allow water to transpire, is stressed in burns cases, as once the skin layer is lost, all the infection and water loss prevention which the integumentary system was responsible for, are now absent. In the plastic surgery cases, nurses are mostly responsible in post-op wound reviews and change of dressings. The nurse also advises the patients to protect fresh wounds and prevent infections. Renal Unit Dialysis Nurses on the Renal Unit work with a patient population of solely End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), therefore their insight into the illness and its treatment needs to be well-defined. Dialysis treatment, which is the process of removing waste from the blood of a patient whose kidneys lost this function, is available in two modalities, namely; Haemodialysis (HD) and Peritoneal Dialysis (PD). Nurses in charge of PD patients conduct periodical reviews to collect blood, peritoneal fluid and swabs for investigations. Their main responsibility though, is to check progress from the personal log that the patient is encouraged to keep from the start of the treatment, this includes daily weight, oral intake, dialysate input (type and amount), dialysate output (colour/consistency and amount). Since PD is a self-care treatment at home, a high-quality nurse-patient relationship is required to assess for adherence to treatment. The nurse is responsible to liaise with patient and relatives if they are encountering any challenges during treatment. Advices about the necessity of any treatment changes and the importance of asepsis during treatment, to avoid unnecessary exposure to infection, i.e. peritonitis, are one of the key responsibilities of a PD nurse. On the other hand, nurses responsible of HD patients, unlike PD, have a more direct responsibility with the patients infection prevention. The nurse first responsibility is to inspect equipment, ensuring it is in perfect working order before use and all lines are new and sterile to minimize chance of infection. Review of the patients previous session handover and preparation of any treatment needed during the dialysis is carried out by the nurse. A typical dialysis treatment starts with morning weighting and then, the nurse, using strict aseptic technique, inserts two wide bore cannulas into the patients AV access. Finally the patient is connected to an HD machine for 4 hours, set to target weight calculated by the physician, to remove excess water and waste products from the bloodstream. Before, during and after these 4 hours, vital signs are checked and charted. Routine blood investigations are also taken and any indicated medications from previous investigations are administered and documented. The patient is advised of the possible complications and suggested to notify as soon as any abnormal feelings set on. Any pain complaint reported by the patient during the dialysis is reported in the documentation for hand over and physicians are contacted in view of treatment changes requirements. Moreover, as HD patients have to attend these sessions 3-4 times weekly, the need of a quality nurse-patient relationship is essential. The dialysis nurse spends time with the patient assessing any psychological or physical ill effects of the illness and documents an adequate handover to obtain successful treatment of this condition. Compile a list of the different types of health care workers whom you encountered during this entire placement. Physiotherapists Anaesthetists Midwives Nurses Nursing Aides Care workers Radiographers Speech Language Pathologists Occupational Therapists Audiologists Electrocardiogram (ECG) Technicians Describe the role of THREE other (non-nursing) members of the ITU team. Include key responsibilities of these persons for the patient. From your observation, what is the nature of their interaction, if any, with the critical care nurse? Physiotherapists Physiotherapists in an intensive care setting are mainly responsible for clearing secretion from chest walls using positioning, percussion, manual hyperinflation and vibration. These methods clear the peripheries of the lungs and mobilize secretions to the central airways to be easily suctioned and therefore re-establish a larger lung capacity. Apart from chest-physio, they also work with conscious patients on the early movement of limbs to resume physical function and avoid muscle waste due to being sedated and bed-bound. Whilst encouraging the patient to do these exercises on his/her own initiative as needed, the physiotherapist reports to the nurse any result of his/her actions and reminds the nurse to encourage and observe the patient doing the exercise needed for further improvement in recovery. Radiographers Radiographers in the ITU setting are not mainly responsible for diagnosis, as in critically ill patients usually the underlying conditions of illness are discovered prior to admission. Though, with the use of portable X-ray machines, their help is essential in confirming the positions of any tubes or lines inserted in the unit or theatre, whilst minimizing discomfort of unnecessary transport to the Medical Imaging. Moreover through radiography any degradation of the ITU admission health insults may be identified, for example comparisons of previous chest x-ray to analyse if consolidations increased or decreased. The radiographer-nurse relationship is usually more concerned in helping to position the patient well to get a clear shot, giving the possibility to take the most out of the X-ray taken. Once published, X-ray are seen by medical staff to verify placement of any newly inserted central venous line or endotracheal tube, and the progression of the condition is also assessed. Electrocardiogram (ECG) Technicians ECG Technicians are indispensable in cardiac related admissions in ITU, this usually would be a post-MI patient with recurrent arrests. Their main responsibilities are into attaching leads at specific sites on the patients body to the ECG machine, which in turn prints the signal it receives onto an ECG strip. Although patient in an ITU setting are generally attached to a continuous ECG monitor, this type of ECG gives a better picture of any arrhythmias and axis deviations of the pulse. The technician then analyses the result, identifies any emergencies and liaises with nursing staff and medical staff. Most often this involves cardiology staff as well, since decisions regarding treatment are usually deducted from these types of ECGs. Section C DOCUMENTATION Why is documentation important in a critical care area? Documentation in critical care, as in the all nursing field, is an essential role which enables a better continuation of care and assessment of progression or regression of the patients condition. That said, the importance of precise information in the critical area is exponential to the fragility of the critically-ill patient, therefore this gives a valid reason for the necessity of hourly vital signs, urine output, continuous IV pump rate and more. Along the various types of documentation, comes in the rationale for certain actions taken leaving a pattern to be followed and leave good ground for recommendations to be given during handover. For instance, low oxygen saturation is monitored and the nurse decides to perform suctioning and an improvement is visible in the forthcoming readings, therefore one can suggest the following nurse to try this method as it has shown good results. Moreover, importance of documentation increases as the risks for the patient increase leading to a more responsible practice. This helps to improve quality of care provided and safeguard the patient from malpractice. Documentation is critical not only for nurses in this setting, but plays quite an enormous part in any of the doctors actions, as strong and consistent rationale is needed to back up certain decisions taken in critical life-threatening moments to improve care given and obtain healthier outcomes. List all forms of documentation which nurses perform in each of these units: Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (NPICU) Burns and Plastic Surgery Unit Renal Unit Intensive Therapy Unit Chart (incl. Hourly Parameters, Investigation Results, I.V./Oral Intake, Ventilation (via type of Mask or Ventilator Mode (SIMV, CPaP, BiPaP) FiO2), Continuous I.V. Treatment, Output via N.G./Drains/Urinary Catheter), Handover Sheet Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System, Investigation Flow Chart, Parameters + Intake/Output Chart, Fluid Prescription Chart, Apnoea Chart Parameters + Intake/Output Chart, Chart for Estimating Severity of Burn Wound, PSBU 24hrs. Drain Output Chart Haemodialysis Chart (incl. Parameters, Actual + Target Body Weight, Blood Test Results, Handover for next session) Section D ITU PROCEDURES During your ITU placement, select one of the following procedures which you have observed and in which you have taken part: Admission of a patient to ITU Transport of a patient to the operating theatre or the medical imaging department Discharge of a patient to another ward/unit (a) DESCRIBE the nursing observations, actions and documentation during the procedure. Include a rationale for these activities. (b) How did YOU participate in this event? (c) REFLECT on what was done properly and what could have been done better. Transport of a patient to the operating theatre or the medical imaging department The transport of a critically ill patient is one of the most challenging and requires a lot of preparation, but thanks to the portable X-ray and Ultrasound (US) technology this occurs in only a few cases like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Computed Tomography (CT) scan, or else an essential need to transfer back to the operation theatres in case of complications. In a case I had the opportunity to take part in; we had to take a patient to MRI for a brain and C-spine scan. The nurses I was with started from contacting an anaesthetist as the patient was intubated, contacted a radiographer to take girth measurements, since the patient was obese, to check if the patient would go through the scanner and contacted the family that their relative will go for a scan and may not be there when they come. Afterwards the nurse extended IV tubing to obtain enough length during the scan, while I started to collect all the portables needed for the transport including; oxygen cylinder, portable ventilator, crash pack, Ambu bag and monitor stand. Preparation of extra sedation, other IV treatments and necessary flushing solutions was done to prevent running out of medications during this transportation. The nurse checked that the patient was stable enough on the current inotropic support and sedation. The nurse also checked the oxygen tank pressure, ventilator function and just before we left connected to portable machinery and evaluated condition of the patient again and charted the parameters. The anaesthetist gave a dose of muscle relaxant to avoid any unexpected movements from the patient while doing the transportation, which could lead to lose the airway if the patient would extubate. Extra muscle relaxant was prepared as well. Leaving off from the ITU, we continuously monitored the patients parameters on the monitor, arrived securely at the medical imaging and started discussing what needs to be removed or replaced from the patient before we enter the MRI room. Certain machinery is not MRI-compatible, therefore the exposure to that magnetic field would damage it or cause malfunction. Following advises given by the radiographer, anything that needed to be removed was removed, leaving only essential monitoring to be removed and re-attached to appropriate machinery once in the MRI room. Patient was then transferred from the bed to the MRI table going straight into the MRI room, back on essential monitoring assessment of condition was done and we aligned MRI table to the scanner to start the procedure. During all this time the nurse and anaesthetist gave necessary amount of sedation and muscle relaxation bolus to prevent accidental alertness of the patient and unexpected extubation. The moment when we were getting the patient inside the scanner, we realized he wouldnt get in because of his hands had to pass over his already enormous girth and he simply wouldnt fit. At that point we realized we made a lot of effort, but unfortunately we were still unsuccessful. Therefore all the process had to be reversed, and once out from the MRI room, settled the patient with adequate monitoring for transportation back to ITU. Once back in ITU, we removed any unnecessary tubing, placed all transport equipment back in place and documented parameters post-transportation. A note was added in the documentation regarding the failed MRI; the family was let in to see the patient and was given an explanation of what was done during the day. Looking back and reflecting on the event, I realise the amount of things that are taken in consideration prior to leaving the ITU. The importance given to sedation and muscle relaxation to avoid extubation, Ambu bag for manual ventilation in case portable ventilator stops working or needs to be disconnected. The extension of the IV tubings was something, that actually didnt even cross my mind and though so important. Preparation of extra medication, not too run without during transport. These are all things that require effective thought as if omitted, the repercussions can be terrible. I dont consider the unsuccessful try of getting the patient into the MRI has anything to do with being unprepared or unaware of something, as this fact was taken in consideration from the beginning. I do consider it as an unfortunate event, which left us all with another important lesson learned. I believe it is imprinted enough that, from now onwards when I hear that a patient is for MRI will be the first I will consider. Section E PATIENT CARE IN A CRITICAL CARE SETTING In this account I will be focusing on a case I followed during my placement on the Renal Unit at Mater Dei Hospital. The case study involves an interview with a 27-year old male patient suffering from End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). This gentleman is to date known to have lost renal function due to Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) with onset of illness symptoms started at 17 years of age. Due to ethical reasons the patient involved in this account will have the pseudonym Mr. Frank Abdilla. Mr. Abdilla has been treating this illness for slightly more than 10 years now and is currently following haemodialysis (HD) 3 times a week. I started this interview with getting to his medical history, and to tell me more about the onset of the illness and its treatment to date. Frank expressed that he suffered from nothing prior to the onset symptoms, which he referred to them as a silent killer symptoms. I only know that I started to feel less the urge to urinate and my breath had a foul smell, then after a couple of days I had an episode of loss of consciousness,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

A wedding is exciting, especially if it’s your own. However, the actual preparations could dampen that sense of eagerness and anticipation. In extreme cases, working out the details, such as invitations and the bridal car ( can turn the â€Å"lucky lady† into a bridezilla. Don’t take the fun out of your special day before it’s even begun. Avoid these costly wedding planning mishaps. Mistake No. 1 - Going all out on the jewellery It’s tempting to have more than one sparkler as you walk down the aisle. If the bling is worth half of your budget, think again. Remember, everyone’s attention will already be focused on you. The bride is the star of her own wedding, after all. Choose a key accessory to match the cut of your dress and slip on that lovely engagement ring ( †¢ Ice Envy diamond rings ( – these exquisite jewellery pieces are created by a master artisan and has gemologist approval. Mistake No. 2 - Asking all your friends to be part of the wedding party Sometimes, being engaged makes you want to shout it from the rooftops. That’s great! But it doesn’t mean everyone who hears about it should automatically be part of the wedding party. If your (and your intended hubby’s) finances are limited, the money should be spent on where it’s most needed. Bridesmaid bouquets and dresses can get expensive. Determine the number of people in the wedding party by your budget, not your contact list. If you really think about, individuals whom both of you are really close to might not be more than dozen. Having known you since childhood or seen you through every relationship cris... ...have so many things to attend to, there’s no time to practice your â€Å"blushing bride† look. Let a professional take over. Discuss with the stylist the look you want to achieve. †¢ Red October ( – experienced unisex hairdressers in Lancashire. Mistake No. 6 – Having decorations that are too elaborate Decor is necessary to liven up the venue. But avoid going overboard. The cost of wall hangings and rope lights can add up. Stick to the essentials (e.g. fresh flowers). These sources may come in handy. †¢ Tynte Flowers ( – an online florist shop where customers can get fresh bridal bouquets. †¢ Mystique Events wedding aisles ( – decorative solutions that add beauty to the venue for the nuptials. Find additional references on these web pages:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Never Scared: The Cultural Significance of Chris Rock

Standup comedians exemplify the trans-generational nature of our culture. With their ability to fully embody all of societies diverging values, while still always grazing the edge of change, they serve as the conscience of the people.   As Lawrence Mintz argues, comics are licensed to say the unspeakable because they have the pity of the audience; they use the power of laughter to unite communities and tread societies shade of gray, and the most successful of them exercise a full awareness in the art of rhetoric.   Mintz points out that comedians use these weak pity warranting social positions to actually empower themselves.iOne of the top standup comedians known for this today is Chris Rock; he uses rhetoric to persuade his audience into finding humor in some of the darkest aspects of our society.   Chris Rock uses rhetoric in his standup Never Scared to persuade his audience to adopt his views, while at the same time reversing the pity warranting image that Mintz’s cla ims gives a comic his license to speak freely.   Both of these personal intentions of Rock’s in his stand up are dependent solely on how well he connects to the core values of his audience. Rock is credited for being best able at connecting the disintegration of family and relationship values of Blacks.In Never Scared, Chris Rock discusses the deteriorating values of Black America and how these values are affecting black culture in America. He utilizes theories in social family structure with the African American family today and establishes himself as a role model for the black culture. He also sarcastically undermines the institution of marriage and the battle of the sexes in an intelligent and witty manner. Not only is he socially aware of all of these things that I have mentioned, he is also aware of the embarrassing acts from his race whom he spitefully labels â€Å"niggas.† Allow me to expand on the issues Chris Rock brings up in his comedy routines.The days of funny schtick and prat falls are basically over. Through the years, much more substance has come to the attention of America when it comes to stand-up comedy. Lawrence Mintz states the following concerning this phenomena on page 72;â€Å" Clearly it is a popular art that is central to American entertainment, but in the universal tradition of public joking rituals it is more than that as well; it is an important part of the nation’s cultural life.†iChris Rock is an excellent example of this statement.In Never Scared, Rock opens his routine with confidence and mentions his daughter, alluding to the reason why he hasn’t been on the road in so long.â€Å"It’s amazing when you have a girl†¦ It’s eye opening, because I realize, I’m the man in her life.   My relationship with my daughter is going to affect her relationship with men for the rest of her life.   Every man in here has dated a woman with some daddy issues.   That [email   protected]%$# ain’t fun ok.   She’s giving you a hard time for some [email  protected]%$# her daddy did in 1969.† (Chris Rock, 2006)Ever the sarcastic encourager, Rock sets up an example that needs to be revisited in the black community. He’s sensible and funny here but he is also alluding to something important. The black man in today’s culture needs to understand the importance of bringing up baby girls. He states that sometimes he picks her up out of her stroller, looks at her and that’s when it hits him;  Ã¢â‚¬Å"My job in this life now is to keep my baby off the pole!†Of course he is referring to the ever-ominous pole found in every strip club in the world. This is profound wisdom for the deadbeat dads out there who aren’t with their daughters. Some fathers are right in the room but to busy watching the game to pay any attention to the direction she might be headed if he doesn’t start to get to know his little gi rl who is growing up.It’s interesting to note that an article by Kathryn Edin and Laura Lein almost discuss the same issue.ii With the rise of single mothers in urban areas and their struggle to make ends meet, we have to wonder what the sociological and psychological implications for the child are growing up in an environment without a father. Many of these children will grow up to be drug dealers, strippers and prostitutes in their struggle to get away from the economic prison they were unwillingly placed in at birth.Speaking of birth, let’s examine Rock’s use of abortion and marriage. Nilsen discusses the important element of sexism in comedy routines in his article;â€Å"Sexist humor, which makes fun of the real or imagined characteristics of males and females, is seen in the oldest myths, fairy tales, folk tales, nursery rhymes, and sacred writings. Because jokes are a kind of shorthand, creators do not start with a whole new cast of characters for each jo ke; instead they rely on familiar scripts that include exaggerations and stereotypes. This enables listeners to fill in the details from the material that their minds have already absorbed from the popular culture.†ivThroughout Rock’s comedy routines, he brings to light the battle of the sexes concerning abortion and marriage. He discusses the two options that a man has when he finds out his girlfriend is pregnant;â€Å"Wow! I’m so happy! I love you so much.† Or the ill-fated; â€Å"So, whatcha gonna do?† Once again he silently stabs at the lack of responsibility concerning the man in this issue. He goes on to discuss the fact that the decision for abortion is made between the woman and her girlfriends. It is a sad but true commentary on the disintegration of society in general but Chris seems to be directing it toward black culture specifically.There are strong arguments for the fact that married couples experience less stress and live a healthier life(Waite).iii Rock equates marriage to simple transference;â€Å"When you’re single, you wanna kill yourself. When you’re married, you wanna kill your spouse!†He discusses the problem of unhappily married men and their addiction to strip clubs. He adds that reasons for this are that women are domineering. In a funny little clip, Chris talks about the ho convention and glass heels. Then he brings up the fact that a wife is there to provide for you and be there for you but if you bring a pair of glass heels in the house, it will cause all sorts of problems.As you can see, he strengthens his views of the black man being the wife’s pet or the one that’s supposed to do everything for her by using these jokes. He also portrays the man in the abortion bit as not having a say in anything that happens with the child. He portrays the woman’s friends at a higher level than her own boyfriend and the father of her child.He jokes about strip clubs and i nfidelity but he still holds to the role model persona. He stands by his conviction of not cheating on your spouse and once again cements his position in black culture. Voicing his family values opens the audience up for his personal opinions about society.   Rock’s humorous perspective on life and his personal opinions about society mark the defining line between him as an individual and the family values he has affirmed to gain the audience’s trust.In his essay, Standup Comedy as Social and Cultural Mediation, Mintz explains the justification behind the stand up comedian’s license to speak freely. Considering the fact that Chris Rock is an African American, he has free reign to speak out on the problems with African- Americans.   As he displays his disgust with black stars like the child molesting, wanna-be- white Michael Jackson, he flows freely into the R-Kelly incident with the young girl on video.We all know that he is using these incidents as well as the Kobe Bryant rape case and the OJ Simpson case because they are excellent material for comedy. But, it’s also obvious that he uses these men as examples for negative black role models in America as well. It makes one wonder if he is warning his black audience of the path of self-destruction they may be on together. After all, great men like Sydney Poitier or James Earl Jones didn’t do things like this to embarrass the black community.Personally, I believe that his most compelling routine is the â€Å"I hate Niggas† routine. The courage that it takes for a black man to stand up and say â€Å"Everything white people don’t like about black people, black people hate even more. I love black people but I hate niggas.† He jokes about the fact that every time black people try to get together and have some fun like going to a movie, some â€Å"nigga† pulls out a gun and shoots at the screen. It is most powerful when he utilizes this rhetoric in th e presence of a more affluent black community.By performing in D.C., Rock intentionally markets himself towards the wealthiest blacks in the United States, giving him all the more power once he is able to form a community within the room.   But, this community Rock creates must be structured on some form of values with which he knows everyone can basically agree, and that will create an atmosphere of familial comfort.   Rock does this perfectly in his stand up, and the structure can be noted from start to finish.We can also observe the moral erosion of rap music. It used to be a positive influence in the black community. Chris Rock has played an important role in promoting rap music. Although, in Never Scared, He mentions the fact that it keeps getting harder to defend this popular urban genre. He states that it used to be easy to defend groups like Grand Master Flash because they represented the black urban culture as a whole. Then he goes on to state that he hates to defend it now because of lines such as the famous line from Li’l Jon;â€Å"To the windows, to the walls, ‘til the sweat drips from my balls.†These lyrics can’t be defended. They do not spell anything positive for black society and the song certainly shows no respect for black women whatsoever. Granted, there were some pretty vulgar lyrics in the early days of rap also but not to the extent of today.If we observe the work of Chris Rock, a strong argument can be made that he has created some of the most powerful rhetoric concerning the degradation of his own race in America. He stands by his values and doesn’t squirm under the microscope like some stars. He has used his influence to create a teachable understanding of the social inequalities that occur in America. But, more than this he has made it simple for the average black family, or any family, to understand the major social issues surrounding black culture today. I think the most important thing that Chr is Rock has done for the black culture and every culture in America is created a vital understanding for accountability within our own cultural social dynamic.I have heard many people say that Chris Rock is a comedian, but he is an activist as well. Others say that his comedy is racially motivated against the white population of America. Still, some just won’t watch him or listen to him because of his language usage. There are a number of labels we can put on this man and he allows us to do so liberally. Chris Rock may have missed his true calling as a social scientist. Maybe one-day comedians like Rock will receive honorary PhDs for their body of work in stand up comedy but for now, he’s just a great comedian.iv Nilsen A.P and Nilsen D.L.B (2000) Encyclopedia of the 20th century American Humor.Gender Humor. Phoenix, AZ: Oryz Press, pp.170-174.i Standup Comedy as Social and Cultural Mediation. Lawrence E. Mintz.American Quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 1, Special Issue: America n Humor. (Spring, 1985), pp. 71-80.ii Work, Welfare, and the Single Mothers’ Economic Survival Strategies. Kathryn Edin and Laura Lein. American Sociological Review.iii Does Marriage Matter?. Waite, Linda J. Demography. Vol. 32, No. 4, November 1995.iv Nilsen A.P and Nilsen D.L.B (2000) Encyclopedia of the 20th century American Humor.Gender Humor. Phoenix, AZ: Oryz Press, pp.170-174.Quotes from Chris Rock came from his stand up routine Never Scared. 2006.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

American Literary Periods

American Literary Periods American literature does not easily lend itself to classification by time period. Given the size of the United States and its varied population, there are often several literary movements happening at the same time. However, this hasnt stopped literary scholars from making an attempt. Here are some of the most commonly agreed upon periods of American literature from the colonial period to the present. The Colonial Period (1607–1775) This period encompasses the founding of Jamestown up to a decade before the Revolutionary War. The majority of writings were historical, practical, or religious in nature. Some writers not to miss from this period include Phillis Wheatley, Cotton Mather, William Bradford, Anne Bradstreet, and John Winthrop. The first Slave Narrative, A Narrative of the Uncommon Sufferings, and Surprizing Deliverance of Briton Hammon, a Negro Man, was published during this period, in 1760 Boston. The Revolutionary Age (1765–1790) Beginning a decade before the Revolutionary War and ending about 25 years later, this period includes the writings of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton. This is arguably the richest period of political writing since classical antiquity. Important works include the â€Å"Declaration of Independence,† The Federalist Papers, and the poetry of Joel Barlow and Philip Freneau. The Early National Period (1775–1828) This era in American literature is responsible for notable first works, such as the first American comedy written for the stage- The Contrast by Royall Tyler, written in 1787- and the first American Novel- The Power of Sympathy by William Hill, written in 1789. Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, and Charles Brockden Brown are credited with creating distinctly American fiction, while Edgar Allan Poe and William Cullen Bryant began writing poetry that was markedly different from that of the English tradition. The American Renaissance (1828–1865) Also known as the Romantic Period in America and the Age of Transcendentalism, this period is commonly accepted to be the greatest of American literature. Major writers include Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, and Herman Melville.  Emerson, Thoreau, and Margaret Fuller are credited with shaping the literature and ideals of many later writers. Other major contributions include the poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and the short stories of Melville, Poe, Hawthorne, and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Additionally, this era is the inauguration point of American literary criticism, lead by Poe, James Russell Lowell, and William Gilmore Simms. The years 1853 and 1859 brought the first novels written by African-American authors, both male and female:  Clotel, by William Wells Brown  and Our Nig, by Harriet E. Wilson. The Realistic Period (1865–1900) As a result of the American Civil War, Reconstruction and the age of industrialism, American ideals and self-awareness changed in profound ways, and American literature responded.  Certain romantic notions of the American Renaissance were replaced by realistic descriptions of American life, such as those represented in the works of William Dean Howells, Henry James, and Mark Twain. This period also gave rise to regional writing, such as the works of Sarah Orne Jewett, Kate Chopin, Bret Harte, Mary Wilkins Freeman, and George W. Cable. In addition to Walt Whitman, another master poet, Emily Dickinson, appeared at this time. The Naturalist Period (1900–1914) This relatively short period is defined by its insistence on recreating life as life really is, even more so than the realists had been doing in the decades before. American Naturalist writers such as Frank Norris, Theodore Dreiser, and Jack London created some of the most powerfully raw novels in American literary history. Their characters are victims who fall prey to their own base instincts and to economic and sociological factors. Edith Wharton wrote some of her most beloved classics, such as The Custom of the Country (1913), Ethan Frome (1911), and The House of Mirth (1905) during this time period. The Modern Period (1914–1939) After the American Renaissance, the Modern Period is the second most influential and artistically rich age of American writing. Its major writers include such powerhouse poets as E.E. Cummings, Robert Frost, Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Langston Hughes, Carl Sandburg, T.S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens, and Edna St. Vincent Millay. Novelists and other prose writers of the time include Willa Cather, John Dos Passos, Edith Wharton, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Gertrude Stein, Sinclair Lewis, Thomas Wolfe, and Sherwood Anderson. The Modern Period contains within it certain major movements including the Jazz Age, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Lost Generation. Many of these writers were influenced by World War I and the disillusionment that followed, especially the expatriates of the Lost Generation. Furthermore, the Great Depression and the New Deal resulted in some of America’s greatest social issue writing, such as t he novels of Faulkner and Steinbeck, and the drama of Eugene O’Neill. The Beat Generation (1944–1962) Beat writers, such as Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, were devoted to anti-traditional literature, in poetry and prose, and anti-establishment politics. This time period saw a rise in confessional poetry and sexuality in literature, which resulted in legal challenges and debates over censorship in America. William S. Burroughs and Henry Miller are two writers whose works faced censorship challenges. These two greats, along with other writers of the time, also inspired the counterculture movements of the next two decades. The Contemporary Period (1939–Present) After World War II, American literature has become broad and varied in terms of theme, mode, and purpose. Currently, there is little consensus as to how to go about classifying the last 80 years into periods or movements- more time must pass, perhaps, before scholars can make these determinations. That being said, there are a number of important writers since 1939 whose works may already be considered â€Å"classic† and who are likely to become canonized.  Some of these very established names are:  Kurt Vonnegut, Amy Tan, John Updike, Eudora Welty, James Baldwin, Sylvia Plath, Arthur Miller, Toni Morrison, Ralph Ellison, Joan Didion, Thomas Pynchon, Elizabeth Bishop, Tennessee Williams, Philip Roth, Sandra Cisneros, Richard Wright, Tony Kushner, Adrienne Rich, Bernard Malamud, Saul Bellow, Joyce Carol Oates, Thornton Wilder, Alice Walker, Edward Albee, Norman Mailer, John Barth, Maya Angelou, and Robert Penn Warren.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Drought affects Endangered Bid Species Essay

Drought affects Endangered Bid Species Essay Drought affects Endangered Bid Species Essay The story is similar along the Riverina with the Upper Goobarrangandra receiving 76mm in the last 24 hours, with a third of that falling since 9am yesterday. NSW’s northeast will receive the most rainfall today with Girralong, near Nambucca, having had 60mm since 9am yesterday. Barrington in the Hunter has had 58mm, while further south Mt Elliott had 54mm and Gosford 44m on the Central Coast. While the rain has been welcomed the weekend’s storms will not be enough to break the drought gripping 60 per cent of the state. The grim summation came from the NSW Farmers Association as WeatherWatch meteorologist Don White said the selective pattern of the storms also meant that while some drought-stricken properties enjoyed downpours of more than 60mm, others just a short drive away received nothing more than a shower to settle the dust. NSW Farmers Association northern regional manager Stuart Murdoch said that the rain would regrettably do â€Å"almost nothing† for most primary producers in NSW since most properties needed to have a deep soaking that lasted for days in order to restore soil moisture levels before cooler weather returned. â€Å"The northern half of the state has been very ordinary for a long, long time,† Mr Murdoch said. â€Å"People are talking about dams drying up that have never been dry before.† â€Å"We need four-plus inches - 100mm-plus - but it’s probably not going to happen.† WeatherWatch meteorologist Don White said the selective nature of the rainfall was a result of wet weather systems moving up from the south in precise bands carved out by the jet stream. â€Å"Places like Tullamore and Cobar, and some places out on the Darling had falls of 50-60mm, but either side of it there were only falls of

Sunday, October 20, 2019

LITTLE Surname Meaning and Origin

LITTLE Surname Meaning and Origin Little is a common  descriptive  surname often bestowed on someone who was of short or petite stature,  from the Middle English littel  and  Old English lytel, meaning little. In some cases the surname may have been used to denote the younger of two men of the same name.  KLEIN is the German variant and PETIT the French variant. Alternate Surname Spellings:  LITTLE, LITEL, LITTELL, LITTLE, LYTEL, LYTELL, LYTTELLE, LITTELLE, LYTLE, LYTTLE Surname Origin: English   Where in the World Do People with the LITTLE Surname Live? According to surname distribution data from Forebears, Little is a fairly common surname in most English-speaking countries, including the United States (where it ranks 276th), New Zealand (243rd), Australia (262nd), Scotland (256th), England (331st) and Canada (357th). Within England, Little is most common in the northern counties, especially Cumberland where it is the 11th most common last name. WorldNames PublicProfiler  indicates that in the United Kingdom,  Little is  most common in Cumbria County, England; Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland; and  Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Within North America, Little is especially common in Nova Scotia, as well as the U.S. states of North Carolina and Mississippi.   Famous People with the LITTLE Last Name Lewis Henry Little - American  Civil War Confederate brigadier generalMalcolm Little - birth name of Malcolm X, African-American human rights activist  Arthur Dehon Little - American chemical engineerJean Little - Canadian writer Genealogy Resources for the Surname LITTLE Little Surname DNA ProjectThis DNA project was started in 2001 and has grown to include over 300 members with the surnames Little, Klein, Kline, or Cline interested in working collaboratively to combine genealogy research with DNA testing to sort out Little family lines. English Surname Meanings and OriginsUncover the meaning of your English last name with this guide to English surname meanings and origins. How to Research English  AncestryLearn how to research your English family tree with this guide to genealogical records in England and Wales, including birth, marriage, death, census, military and church records. Little Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Little  family crest or coat of arms for the Little surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.   LITTLE  Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Little surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Little genealogy query. FamilySearch - LITTLE GenealogyExplore over 2.7 million  historical records which mention individuals with the Little surname, as well as online Little family trees on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. GeneaNet - Little  RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Little surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. - LITTLE  Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Little. The Little  Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name Little  from the website of Genealogy Today. - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back toGlossary of Surname Meanings Origins

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Warfarin Vs dabigatran Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Warfarin Vs dabigatran - Essay Example Any discrepancy in diet mediated intensity of vitamin K, directly influences the efficacy and dose dependency of Warfarin for the patient. It is essential to determine appropriate therapeutic dosages on individual basis by means of standardized clotting test (international normalized ratio [INR]). Although, Warfarin potentially diminishes the risk of stroke in AF patients by ~ 68%, patient compliance with treatment (time in therapeutic range [TTR]) is a noteworthy predicament because of the essential periodic supervision of dose efficacy and the risk of major bleeding events (Ezekowitz, 2007). On the contrary, Dabigatran does not entail labor and time intensive monitoring and therefore expected to provide enhanced patient compliance over Warfarin. Atrial fibrillation is asymptomatic and generally not life-threatening. It augments the risk of stroke as well as systemic embolisms as the upper chambers of the heart begin to beat irregularly, impairing the efficiency of blood flow. Sympt oms found to be associated encompass rapid heart rate, palpitation, shortness of breath, dizziness, faint or fatigue. Reduced flow of blood results in blood pooling in the heart chambers which may culminate into clot formation. When such clots enter the brain it results in stroke, it is therefore essential for physicians to prescribe anticoagulants to prevent formation of clots. The prevalence of AF in the United States display augmentation from 10% for individuals above 80 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2003). Deaths associated to AF affect 1 in 4000 cases per year, of these, 84% cases are reported to be above 75. Warfarin was drug of choice for past decades as an effective oral anticoagulant to prevent and treat thromboembolism. Over the years researchers were constantly trying to relieve patients from troubles related to diet and drug interactions. Three randomized, controlled trials are available on the safety and efficacy of Dabigatran, they are summarized b elow- Atrial fibrillation patients frequently suffer from coronary artery disease, which is the focus of a Dabigatran phase II clinical trial, to establish its safety in combination with aspirin (Ezekowitz et al., 2007). Three Dabigatran doses (50, 150, and 300 mg) were administered twice daily to patients for 12 weeks, unaided or in combination with 81 or 325 mg aspirin, thereby generating nine experimental groups. The patients treated with Warfarin (INR = 2.0-3.0) were used as a control. The primary outcome of concern was bleeding events encompassing major (6% increase, p < 0.02) or all sorts of bleeding events (26% increase, p = 0.0003), that was reported in patients treated with 300 mg Dabigatran twice a day along with aspirin. On the other hand, 50 mg Dabigatran was less likely to cause bleeding as compared to other conditions (15% increase vs. 300 mg p = 0.0002; 11% increase vs. 150 mg p = 0.01; 11% increase vs. Warfarin, p = 0.044). On the contrary, two embolisms reported in the study were from the cases taking 50 mg Dabigatran twice daily, unaided or accompanied by 81 mg aspirin. On the other hand result indicates that 50 mg Dabigatran, with or without 81 mg aspirin, does not accomplish successful shielding against stroke or systemic embolisms. This possibility was sustained by finding

Friday, October 18, 2019

How modern portfolio theory can be used to manage the portfolio of Essay

How modern portfolio theory can be used to manage the portfolio of your own_ - Essay Example The pros barely edged the DJIA by a margin of 51 to 49 contests† (Investor Home, 2011). An investor simply parking their money in the Dow would have beaten the specific picks of the professionals about half the time, even without transaction costs or taxes. Even worse, later research found that the pros got a break due to the announcement effect of the stock (Liang, 1996). When the pros made an announcement, others invested naively, but these stocks later reversed quite quickly: When taking this into account, the pros did not beat the dartboard! And in the last year of the contest, the readers won slightly (Jasen, 2002). All of this seems to sink the idea of portfolio analysis: If the best pros in the world using the best techniques can't beat random chance, how can anyone? But modern portfolio tools have given investors, particularly newer ones, skills for constructing an asset portfolio that will beat out mutual funds and naive investment. The Failure of Mutual Funds It's not just professionals that struggle to create value. Mutual funds are also very bad at generating growth, and they have the advantage not only of many investors and many analysts but also time and a diverse portfolio! â€Å"By and large, what you're going to find is that very, very few active funds consistently match the performance of the various indexes over the long-term, much less beat them... Finding a fund that consistently beat its index is like looking for a needle in a haystack† (Distad, 2009). Distad's data shows that very few funds beat out the market over time. Further, he notes that many of these actively managed funds are highly unreliable in terms of their fidelity. 80% had performance history only going back a year, out of a random sample of almost 3500 funds! Investors need to construct their own portfolio, not just rely on mutual funds that have had a mixed record of success and have certainly suffered after events like Enron, WorldCom and the 2008 collapse. A ssets Chosen I chose two assets: Whole Foods (WFMI) and Nintendo (NTDOY.PK). I wanted to pick two assets, one of which was more of a growth asset and another which was an asset that produced products I was familiar with and that I knew something about the likely market response to. The goal for both was risk control first and growth second: That is, I wanted there to be a steadiness to the line, whether it was going horizontally or sloping upwards. I selected based off of a visual analysis of both companies over five years, then used iQfront's analysis to see what the statistics were, and was pleasantly surprised. Modern portfolio theory emphasizes that risk has to be measured based on the variance of the stock (Goetzmann, 2011). Indeed, the core idea is that a tangency line can be created that has a riskless asset used as a baseline for comparison where both risk-averse and risk-accepting investors could invest comfortably, a perfect middle ground (Goetzmann, 2011). But finding tha t perfect portfolio is difficult, because â€Å"a major difficulty in estimating an efficient frontier accurately is that errors grow as the number of assets increase. You cannot just dump all the means, std's and correlations for the world's assets into an optimizer and turn the crank† (Goetzmann, 2011). We will return to why analyzing risk this way is compelling since other forms of risk are so appallingly inaccurately determined (Danielsson, 2009). In any respect, while growth is easy to measure (just look at how it's

Cloning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cloning - Research Paper Example This is the very reason that an identical clone is formed through this process. The future of cloning depends totally on the new researches which are being done. Cloning Cloning so far has not been successful as it was expected. A sheep dolly was cloned in the year 1996 and it was considered as one of the most successful cloning experiment on an animal. Cloning has never showed any positive results on human beings. Cloning has been approved by many scientists and groups who argue that it holds the potential for many benefits for human beings and can serve to provide results and treatments that other methods have failed to provide. On the other hand, cloning has been rejected on the basis of ethical considerations. It has faced social as well as religious criticism owing to many reasons which include the fact that cloning has not yielded any major benefits as yet and also it serves to challenge the normal working and equilibrium of the world (Human cloning 2011; Phil B). Cloning is a process which can be compared to the stem cell research. Extracting stem cells and using them for curing diseases uses the process of cloning. Currently many research therapies are being carried out to find the viability of the stem cells. A study done in New England Journal of Medicine validates the use of stem cells in the patients who are suffering from leukemias. The research undertook many patients into consideration who were suffering from leukemias and their treatment options. The research then compared the patients who were provided with stem cell transplants with those who were not and it was found that stem cell transplant from newborn babies were effective in treating these patients. Thus it was concluded that leukemias can be treated with effective treatment by adult stem cells based on the process of cloning (Leukemia Patients Survive with Stem Cell Transplant, 2004). Similarly another research done by the UC researchers showed that bone marrow stem cells can be used to effectively treat disorders which are related to the eye. These stem cells can greatly help to cure the genetic eye disorders in children. Research done by the UC researchers was carried out on animals and the tests were positive. This showed that stem cells may also effectively work on human subjects to cure eye disorders (Bone Marrow Stem Cells May Cure Eye Disease, 2007). Not only this, but it was also found that adult stem cells can be used to cure heart attacks by the British physicians. The new treatment helped the heart muscles to recover from the shock that the treatment received. In other words because of the patients own stem cells the patient could recover from a heart attack as their heart muscles could be revived (Julie Wheldon, 2006). Another research carried out on skin cells to make them act as the stem cells worked quite effectively in treating rats with diseases of the brain. Parkisons Disease is one of the examples which the rats were suffering from and showed im provement because of the stem cells. This clearly shows that embryonic stem cells which are considered to be the basic cells of an organism can provide a breakthrough in treatments of different diseases which were previously not curable. (Stem Cells from skin treat brain disease in Rats, 2008). Another research being carried out in Spain shows that stem cells can greatly help to treat genetic disorders such as the Crohn’s Disease. It was found that 20% of the patients on which the stem cell transpl

Clinical Audit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Clinical Audit - Research Paper Example Between September 20th 2010 and September 22nd 2010, 21 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 21 patients. 11 elective patients were to receive Co-Amoxiclav. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. While 12 procedures out of 21 complied with guidelines the rest was of a diverse character such as non compliance, unavailability of guidelines and antibiotics being out of compliance guidelines. According to this analysis it is clear that antimicrobial prophylaxis was to be given to elective patients either a few hours before or during the procedure. Though the level of compliance was considerable there was no proper indication as to how much such compliance produced qualitative and quantitative positive results by way of increasing the degree of response by patients to antimicrobial prophylaxis. Between September 23rd 2010 and September 25th 2010, 14 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 14 patie nts. 7 elective patients were to be given Co-Amoxiclav. Only 4 patients out of 7 were given Co-Amoxiclav while others were given combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. Only 9 procedures out of 14 complied with guidelines and the other procedures were of a different character. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. From September 29th 2010 to October 01st 2010, 25 surgical procedures were carried out on 25 patients.... According to this analysis it is clear that antimicrobial prophylaxis was to be given to elective patients either a few hours before or during the procedure. Though the level of compliance was considerable there was no proper indication as to how much such compliance produced qualitative and quantitative positive results by way of increasing the degree of response by patients to antimicrobial prophylaxis. Between September 23rd 2010 and September 25th 2010, 14 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 14 patients. 7 elective patients were to be given Co-Amoxiclav. Only 4 patients out of 7 were given Co-Amoxiclav while others were given combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. Only 9 procedures out of 14 complied with guidelines and the other procedures were of a different character. For example there were cases of non compliance and therefore the efficacy of antimicrobial prophylaxis could not be determined. Between September 26th 2010 and September 28th 2010, 19 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 19 patients. 10 elective patients were to receive Co-Amoxiclav. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. For example Teicoplanin, Gentamicin, Metronidazol were other antibiotics received by the patients. 14 procedures were complied with the guideline out of 19 procedures while the other procedures did not comply with the guidelines due to various reasons such as missing guidelines, antibiotics being out of compliance guidelines and procedures being cancelled. From September 29th 2010 to October 01st 2010, 25 surgical procedures were carried out on 25 patients. 11 elective patients were given

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The US govrnement recently approved a 700$ billion bail out package to Essay

The US govrnement recently approved a 700$ billion bail out package to help stabalize the U.S DO YOU SUPPORT OR OPPOSE THE PACKAGE TAKE A POSTION AND IN FIVE PAPRAGRAPHS DISCUSS AND JUSTIFY YOUR POSTION - Essay Example eby stock prices kept dropping, on the other hand this was the only way to improve on the liquidity position of banks whereby banks lacked financial capital, if this actions were not undertaken then the cost of borrowing would have increased. The action by the government improved investor confidence whereby days after the approval of the bail out stock prices started to increase, if actions were not undertaken immediately a worse scenario would have resulted affecting even other economies of the world. Therefore immediate actions to stabilize the market were an appropriate decision. However many individuals disapprove the actions undertaken but in the case of a crisis like the one experienced, immediate actions had to be undertaken to avoid adverse effects such as an unstable financial market, high borrowing rates and unstable

Week 10 Bankruptcy Ind Wrk 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 10 Bankruptcy Ind Wrk 2 - Essay Example Chapter 13 of the same act gives a trustee the power to receive any monthly revenue the debtor receives, for purposes of paying his creditors in a proportional manner. A trustee will always act on behalf of the debtor, for purposes of meeting the interests of the debtor, and the creditors (Warren and Bussel, 2012). A debtor, can also control is property, but under the title of a debtor in possession. This provision is provided for in chapter 13 of the Title 11 of the American Bankruptcy code (Samet, 2012). A debtor in possession can acquire loans, and fund his business operations for purposes of settling the debts he has acquired. He only does this with the authorization of the courts. In your case above, you can act as a debtor in possession in managing your home. This is because if a trustee abandons your home, nobody will be there to manage it, and act as your representative with creditors. To fill this gap, it will be prudent to seek the courts permission in order that you act as a manager of your home, but under the title of debtor in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Clinical Audit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Clinical Audit - Research Paper Example Between September 20th 2010 and September 22nd 2010, 21 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 21 patients. 11 elective patients were to receive Co-Amoxiclav. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. While 12 procedures out of 21 complied with guidelines the rest was of a diverse character such as non compliance, unavailability of guidelines and antibiotics being out of compliance guidelines. According to this analysis it is clear that antimicrobial prophylaxis was to be given to elective patients either a few hours before or during the procedure. Though the level of compliance was considerable there was no proper indication as to how much such compliance produced qualitative and quantitative positive results by way of increasing the degree of response by patients to antimicrobial prophylaxis. Between September 23rd 2010 and September 25th 2010, 14 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 14 patie nts. 7 elective patients were to be given Co-Amoxiclav. Only 4 patients out of 7 were given Co-Amoxiclav while others were given combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. Only 9 procedures out of 14 complied with guidelines and the other procedures were of a different character. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. From September 29th 2010 to October 01st 2010, 25 surgical procedures were carried out on 25 patients.... According to this analysis it is clear that antimicrobial prophylaxis was to be given to elective patients either a few hours before or during the procedure. Though the level of compliance was considerable there was no proper indication as to how much such compliance produced qualitative and quantitative positive results by way of increasing the degree of response by patients to antimicrobial prophylaxis. Between September 23rd 2010 and September 25th 2010, 14 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 14 patients. 7 elective patients were to be given Co-Amoxiclav. Only 4 patients out of 7 were given Co-Amoxiclav while others were given combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. Only 9 procedures out of 14 complied with guidelines and the other procedures were of a different character. For example there were cases of non compliance and therefore the efficacy of antimicrobial prophylaxis could not be determined. Between September 26th 2010 and September 28th 2010, 19 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 19 patients. 10 elective patients were to receive Co-Amoxiclav. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. For example Teicoplanin, Gentamicin, Metronidazol were other antibiotics received by the patients. 14 procedures were complied with the guideline out of 19 procedures while the other procedures did not comply with the guidelines due to various reasons such as missing guidelines, antibiotics being out of compliance guidelines and procedures being cancelled. From September 29th 2010 to October 01st 2010, 25 surgical procedures were carried out on 25 patients. 11 elective patients were given

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week 10 Bankruptcy Ind Wrk 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 10 Bankruptcy Ind Wrk 2 - Essay Example Chapter 13 of the same act gives a trustee the power to receive any monthly revenue the debtor receives, for purposes of paying his creditors in a proportional manner. A trustee will always act on behalf of the debtor, for purposes of meeting the interests of the debtor, and the creditors (Warren and Bussel, 2012). A debtor, can also control is property, but under the title of a debtor in possession. This provision is provided for in chapter 13 of the Title 11 of the American Bankruptcy code (Samet, 2012). A debtor in possession can acquire loans, and fund his business operations for purposes of settling the debts he has acquired. He only does this with the authorization of the courts. In your case above, you can act as a debtor in possession in managing your home. This is because if a trustee abandons your home, nobody will be there to manage it, and act as your representative with creditors. To fill this gap, it will be prudent to seek the courts permission in order that you act as a manager of your home, but under the title of debtor in

By methane steam reforming Essay Example for Free

By methane steam reforming Essay Reformation Of Gas: The first step embrace overhaul of natural gas, in this step hydrogen is counter with steam at 750-800 Â °C, by this reaction natural gas and a mixture of Hydrogen (H2) and Carbon monoxide is attained. Water Gas Shift: In this stride the Carbon monoxide is reacted with steam first at High temperature 350 Â °C and then at low temperature 90-210 Â °C to form Hydrogen and Carbon dioxide. CO + H2O CO2 + H2 Purification: This step embrace the amputation of venomous products present in Gas such as sulphur (S), and chloride (Cl) then it is further purified to remove Carbon dioxide in. The exclusion of Carbon dioxide takes place in liquid absorption system. Then methanation takes place to remove all the residual of carbon dioxide and to get pure hydrogen Gas. (hydrogen. org) By Biomass Process Biomass a renewable organic supply, which consist of agriculture crop scum, for instance wheat straw, forest residues, special crops grown specifically for energy use, such as switch grass or willow trees; organic municipal solid waste; and animal wastes. The hydrogen can also beprepared from biomass process although this process is not commercially available now a days. Thermal decomposition: Breaking up of Organic substance under the reaction heat and coke takes place, the partial oxidation occurs due to occurrence of oxygen in reactor. Gasification: Initially methanol and various gases are obtained in the first step, and then they are reacted with Oxygen or Steam which produces mixture containing 20% H2, 20% CO, 10% CO2, almost 5% CH4 and 45% N. This is an unbalanced equation for Gasification process, C6H12O6 + O2 + H2O CO + CO2 + H2 + other species. Removal of Nitrogenous Compound: In this step Nitrogenous compounds are eliminated from mixture by their reaction with the mixture with pure Oxygen or steam. Then we obtained the hydrocarbons and the endothermic reaction of hydrocarbons yield a Gas rich in Hydrogen. (Hydrogen. org) CO + H2O CO2 + H2 Exothermic and Endothermic reactions in Steam reform process: In steam reform manufacturing of hydrogen both exothermic and endothermic effect takes place. The first reaction which is observed in system is highly endothermic reaction, in this reaction the heat is soak up by the system in order to initiate the reaction between hydrogen and carbon monoxide, the heat is endow with the system from its environment by burning overindulgence of methane. The subsequent type of reaction which is being observed in steam reform process is the exothermic reaction, it is observes during shift reaction which initiates the separation progression for removing carbon dioxide, during exothermic reaction it is observed that this reaction releases large amount of heat. After removal of all the impurities pure hydrogen is obtained. (Leanne M. Crosbie and Dr. Douglas Chapin, January15, 2003) Exothermic and Endothermic reactions in Biomass Process: The reaction which is usually seen in Biomass process is the endothermic reaction, in first step of obtaining hydrogen from Biomass process the breaking up of organic substance for doing so the large amount of heat is provided to the system, the system absorb heats so the bonds between organic compounds starts breaking. As in this reaction the heat is being absorb by the system to it is believed that in Biomass process of hydrogen manufacturing endothermic reaction Occurs. (Cutler. J. Cleveland, January 28, 2007). References: Hydrogen. org, Production of hydrogen retrieved from http://www. hydrogen. org/Knowledge/w-i-energiew-eng3. html Leanne M. Crosbie and Dr. Douglas Chapin, Hydrogen production from nuclear heat retrieved from http://www. mpr. com/pdf_files/hydrogen. pdf Cutler. J. Cleveland, Hydrogen production technology, retrieved from http://www. eoearth. org/article/Hydrogen_production_technology.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Solvothermal Preparation of CaTiO3 Prism and CaTi2O4(OH)2

Solvothermal Preparation of CaTiO3 Prism and CaTi2O4(OH)2 Solvothermal preparation of CaTiO3 prism and CaTi2O4(OH)2 nanosheet by a facile surfactantfree method Weixia Dong, Gaoling Zhao, Bao Qifu, Gu Xingyong, Gaorong Han Abstract: Calcium titanate (CaTiO3) with prism-like-shaped morphology were synthesized by a simple solvorthermal process without any surfactants. It is found that NaOH concentration plays an important role in the formation of CaTiO3 prisms. A rational mechanism is proposed to illustrate the growth of CaTiO3 prisms. And the CaTi2O4(OH)2 interlaminar structure is illustrated. Keywords: solvorthermal preparation, surfactant-free, CaTiO3 prism, CaTi2O4(OH)2 interlaminar structure Introduction Due to its widespread potential applications in a lot fields, calcium titanium oxides have been considered as one of the most important inorganic materials. The most classic model for shape control is the Wulff facets argument or Gibbs-Curie-Wulff theorem, which suggests that the shape of a crystal depends on the relative specific surface energy of each face or facet of the crystal 1. However, our experiment results show that this pure thermodynamic can not explain well. It can be the concentration of existing monomers by tuning NaOH concentration plays a key role for the evolution of the shapes and phases of the calcium titanium oxide crystals 2. If the pH values can be well-controlled, the growth of crystals with different morphologies should be possible. As a result, the concentration of the remaining monomers after the nucleation process is dependent on the number of nuclei formed. To maintain the correct pH of the solvorthermal system, it is necessary to use alkaline or acidity mineralizers (i.e. pH adjusting agents). NaOH or HNO3 are most convenient for this purpose. However, intermediates are often observed during the preparation of CaTiO3. The presence of this impurity phase significantly affects the material’s properties and, thus, it should be avoided. Therefore, it is worthwhile to compare NaOH concentration that are necessary to obtain phase-pure caltium oxides 3. In the present work, calcium tantium oxides was prepared by a solvorthermal method by tuning NaOH concentration. A rational mechanism is proposed to illustrate the growth of CaTiO3 prisms. And the CaTi2O4(OH)2 interlaminar structure is analysised by XRD, SEM and FT-IR . Experimental procedure Synthesis The CaTiO3 crystals were synthesized in an aqueous medium by a solvothermal route. In a typical synthesis, 0.01mol Ti(OC4H9)4 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) were mixed with molar ratio of water/enthonal=10/10. In particular, pH value of deionized water was adjusted 1 by adding HNO3. Then added to 10 ml of a 1 M CaCl2 ·5H2O solution under vigorous stirring at room temperature. After the solution was stirred for 5 min, various NaOH concentration (0.005 M, 0.01 M, 1 M, 3 M, 5 M, 7 M) was added to adjust the pH. Subsequently, the autoclave was sealed and maintained at180  °C for 36 h, followed by natural cooling to room temperature. Afterward, the final products were centrifuged, washed with deionized water and absolute ethanol several times, and then dried at 80  °C for 15 h in air. Characterization The morphologies of the powders were investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, Hitachi S-4800, Japan). The crystal phases of the products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD, PANalytical X’Pert Pro, Holland), in a 2ÃŽ ¸ range from 100 to 800, using Cu-Ka radiation. UV–Vis absorption was measured by a TU-1901 spectrophotometer equipped with a reflectance attachment and BaSO4 was used as the reference material. Infrared spectra of the samples were obtained using a Nicolet Nexus 470 Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer in the 400-4000 cm1 region by KBr pellet. Results and discussion We have systematically investigated the system in various NaOH concentrations while keeping the other reaction conditions unchanged, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Fig. 1 XRD patterns of samples synthesized at different NaOH concentrations: (a) 0.005 M, (b) 0.01 M, (c) 1 M, (d) 3 M, (e) 5 M, (f) 7 M. Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of the samples synthesized in various NaOH concentrations. When NaOH concentrations is 0.005 M, the sample is CaTi2O5 (JCPDS card 25-1450) phase. When NaOH concentrations is 0.01 M, the sample is pure CaTi2O4(OH)2 (JCPDS card 39-0357) phase (Fig. 1(b)). When NaOH concentrations increases to 1 M, intensity of CaTi2O4(OH)2 phase increases. Further increasing NaOH concentration to 3 M, CaTi2O4(OH)2 phase disappears and CaTiO3 (JCPDS card 42-0423) appears with a little trace of Ti3O5 and Ti4O7. When NaOH concentrations is above 5 M, pure CaTiO3 is obtained and peak intenisity of CaTiO3 further increases, which indicates well crystallized. Fig. 2 FESEM images of the samples synthesized at different NaOH concentrations: (a) 0.005M, (b) 0.01M, (c) 1M, (d) 3M, (e) 5 M, (f) 7 M. When NaOH concentrations is 0.005 M, CaTi2O5 aggregated particles are obtained (Fig. 2(a)). When NaOH concentrations is 0.01 M, CaTi2O4(OH)2 porous needlelike and floating irregular clouds-like particles are obtained (Fig. 2(b)). When the NaOH concentrations are 1 M, CaTi2O4(OH)2 morpholgy is mainly composed of overlap leaves (Fig. 2(c)). When the NaOH concentrations are 3 M, nanosheets disspeared, and a lot of aggregated particles with a little trace of prisms(Fig. 2(d)). Whereas above 5 M, CaTiO3 rectangular prisms were formed (Fig. 2 (e)-(f)). On the basis of all the above observations, it is indicated that the presence of NaOH concentrtion in the solution is necessary for the formation of calcium titanium oxides. From the viewpoint of the chemical composition effect, the NaOH concentration may influence the combination of free Ca2+ and release Ti4+ ions of TiO2 in the solvothermal process [4]. Due to forming a lower amounts of active OH ions and small amounts of TiO2 soluble species in low NaOH concentration (0.005M, 0.01M), reactive Ca2+ and TiO2 causes the reaction to be controlled by the transport of TiO2 soluble species from hydroxide crystals to an interface bearing reactive Ca species. A shortage of TiO2 soluble species near Ca2+ will halt the reaction to form CaTiO3. Instead, owing to the small solubility of titanium dioxide in the acid conditions, CaTi2O5 forms. Increasing NaOH to 0.01M, the solvothermal processing accelerate the TiO2 formation and promote TiO2 to transform small amounts of Ti4+ ions [4-5], which are involved in a reaction with Ca2+à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’leading to the formation of CaTi2O4(OH)2 crystallites. However, a large amount of Ti(OH)4 was formed when NaOH concentration was increased to 1M, O-H group of TiO6 octahedron free end decreases, the probability of Ca2+ into the lattice of the increase, the formation of tetragonal CaTiO3 particles. With the increase of NaOH concentration to 5 M, i. e. in the high OH ion concentration, because of solvothermal synthesis of CaTiO3 crystal defects and grain size effect, CaTiO3 particles are formed. For the cubic phase CaTiO3, (110) and (100) surfaces can exist at the same time, gamma (110) is slightly larger than the gamma (100) crystal[3-4], which makes the tetragonal CaTiO3 nanocrystals along (110) plane and (100) surface growth, so CaTiO3 particles will give priority to the relatively low surface energy (100) surface growth, resulting in the formation of prism. Further increasing NaOH concentration, prism further Ostwald ripening, formi ng distinct edges and corners of CaTiO3 prisms [3-4]. A detailed time study is obvious for the growth process of the CaTiO3 prism in the case of 7 M NaOH. Unfortunately the experiments show the CaTiO3 prism are quickly fromed due to the fast growth rate, which prevents the direct observations of its detailed growth process. Howerver, based on the morphology evolution (Fig. 2(a)-(f)) , the growth process of CaTiO3 prism by the solvothermal process with 7 M NaOH is simply illustrated in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 Schematic representation of the growing process of CaTiO3 prism-like structures. In previous researches, our work found that CaTi2O4(OH)2 may have photocatalytic and electrochemical properties [5-6]. On view of the potential application, the structure of CaTi2O4(OH)2 is what we want. Fig. 4 shows FT-IR spectra in the range of 400-4000 cm–1 of CaTi2O4(OH)2 sample. The peaks at 3425 cm1 can be attributed to the O-H stretching. Compared with free –OH ( 3600 cm-1 )à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’the absorption peak shifts to low wavelength, which is due to the coordinated water molecules via hydrogen bonding interaction to the CO32- of the interlamination [5]. The broad absorption band observed at 3200 cm-1 is originated from the presence of hydroxyl groups of water 7. The absorption peak at 1538 cm-1 attributes to H-O-H bending of the lattice water 8. The sharp absorption peak at 1357 cm-1 attributes to C-O-C bending of carbonate ion. A band centered at 750 cm-1, which is attributed to isolated tetrahedron TiO4 stretching vibration. The absorption bands below 500 cm-1, i . e. bands centered at 495 and 425 cm-1 can be ascribed to Ca-Ti-O bending vibrations 8. From XRD and FT-IR results, the interlamination contains CO32-, H2O, isolated tetrahedron TiO4 and –OH ions, Fig. 5 shows diagrammatic sketch of CaTi2O4(OH) 2 sample. Fig. 4 FT-IR spectra in the range of 400-4000 cm–1 of CaTi2O4(OH)2 sample. Fig. 5 Diagrammatic sketch of CaTi2O4(OH)2 sample. Conclusion In summary, we report here a simple solvothermal process for the formation of pure calcium tantium oxides without any surfactants. It is also found that the appropriate concentration of NaOH is vital for the formation of CaTiO3 prism. A possible mechanism has been proposed to explain the formation of CaTiO3 prism. And the CaTi2O4(OH) 2 interlaminar structure is illustrated. Acknowledgement The present work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 51262014 and 51172201). References H. Hosono, Y. Mishima, H. Takezoe and K. J. D. MacKenzie. ‘Nanomaterials: From Research to Applications’ Elsevier Ltd., Oxford, 2006, pp. 206 W. Dong, B. Song, G. Zhao and G. Han. ‘Effects of pH on morphosynthesis and properties of calcium titanium oxides via a facile aqueous strategy’, Mater. Res. Bull., 2013,11, 4633-4640 Y. J. Huang, H. T. Chiu, C.Y. Lee, Growth of CaTiO3 dendrites and rectangular prisms through a wet chemical method, CrystEngComm, 11 (2009)1904–1909. W. Dong, G. Zhao, B. Song, G. Xu, J. Zhou and G. Han. ‘Surfactant-free fabrication of CaTiO3 butterfly-like dendrite via a simple one-step solvothermal route’, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 6990 6997. W. Dong, B. Song, G. Zhao, and G. Han. ‘Controllable synthesis of CaTi2O4(OH) 2 nanoflakes by a facile template-free process and its properties’, Ceram. Int., 2013, 39, 6795-6803. W. Dong, B. Song, G. Zhao, and G. Han. ‘Synthesis and Characterization of CaTi2O4(OH) 2 Nanosheets for Lithium-Ion Battery’. INT. J. ELECTR. SCI., 2013, 8, 4551-4559 G. M. Duffy, S. C. Pillai and D. E. McCormack, J. Mater. Chem. 2007, 17, 181-184. K. Nakamoto. ‘Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds’, Fifth edn, Wiley, Toronto, 1997, pp.67-78.